Lazy days

Summer is here and we are definitely in summer slacking mode.
I keep thinking we'll blog more of adventures, but then blogging time turns to ice cream time or
playdate time or gardening time or just generally enjoying a newhavensummer time.
So, dear newhavenreader, if you could, please sign up in our TALK forums and spread the news of any special events that are on your agenda especially keen to other newhavenbabies. We appreciate the help. I'd hate for anyone to miss out on something funtastic because we are being so lacksidasical in our summer bliss.
The calendar is current as far as playdates and story hours, but call ahead if it's your first time to make sure the meeting place hasn't changed for the summer months.
And, of course, check the blog archives for our reviews of last summer's events.
And, now to plan your fireworks picnic somewhere near new haven this weekend, head no further than this list at WTNH.
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