
Discovering Machu Picchu -- no strollers allowed

Newhavenbaby and I headed to the Peabody yesterday to see the sights of the Incan Empire...and well, lets just say the Incas are a lot more interesting to this newhavenmama than they were to this particular newhavenbaby.

There are no strollers allowed in the exhibit area. A kind guard showed me where I could park the behemoth we drive. The first part of the tour of Machu Picchu is a 7-minute movie in a little 2 row theater. Luckily, we were the only ones there (4pm is usually pretty sparse). Newhavenbaby did sit quietly on the bench playing with trucks while I watched. Needless to say, it would be pretty darn easy to make a bother out of yourself if there was anyone else there.

The exhibit is nice: makeshift stone walls, manequins acting out daily life of the ancient Peruvians, and everything breakable was behind glass. Nevertheless, newhavenbaby was pretty much bored out of his little mind and ran around in circles pushing the button on one of the interactive displays over and over again. I'm planning on going back, but this time dragging his daddy along to entertain him in the Great Hall of dinosaurs while I spend a little more time in Machu Picchu.

So if you go...
try a weekday afternoon if you can,
be prepared to abandon the stroller ,
and bring some toys if your newhavenbaby isn't a movie-watcher
...or just skip the new exhibit all together and have a blast identifying birds on the third floor.


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