
Amoxicillin memories

I just realized it has been almost two weeks since my last post. Getting finals and research papers graded was a little more hectic than I anticipated. The biggest news around here is we have been quarantined to the house all week with a nasty cold, and newhavenbaby got his first ear infection over the Christmas weekend. Poor kid. His strawberry-smelling amoxicillin sure brings back memories though...ironically, very comforting ones. My dad even accused me of faking the same cold so that I could start taking newhavenbaby's medicine. If I start complaining of ear pain, some one should be suspicious!

Now, I need to call newhavenbaby's grandma and tell her about the ear infection before she reads it here. Ooops!


Busy days ahead? Check out The Children's Table.

Brendan McCarthy, owner of the Children's Table, contacted us recently to let us know about home delivery of nutritious children's meals in the New Haven area. It sounds delicious(!) especially knowling that they use seasonal and local fruits and veggies as well as hormone-free milk, cheese, and eggs. John Tureene, former Executive Chef and Director of Sustainable Dining at Yale, is also involved in the project.
Here's a sample day:
Breakfast Ronnybrook Peach Yogurt, Dipping
Snack- Blueberries
Lunch Chicken Fajita, Avocado
Snack- Strawberries
Dinner Corn meal encrusted
Rainbow Trout, Wild Rice, Boiled baby carrots, Peach

Hungry yet? Mention newhavenbaby and get 50% off your first two weeks. We like Brendan already!


Celebrate the season---Achoo!

Apparently, my immune system hasn't been pushed to its max in the last few years, because this Fall, between taking a toddler everywhere in creation and handling essays from 2 classes of college freshman, I seem to be catching every cold in the city. UGH!!

I had to pass up a invitation from a colleague to take newhavenbaby back to the Shore Line Trolley museum on Saturday. The scoop: "Santa is on the Trolley on December 3, 4, 10, 11, 17 and 18. Your fare is good on all streetcars for the entire day. Cars run frequently throughout the day. The first car of the day departs at 10:30AM. Last car departs at 4:30PM. The museum grounds are open 1/2 hour prior to the first car and 1/2 hour after the last car. " See our blog post for more scoop about the trolley museum.

And, we have it on our calendar, but haven't seen it yet: the Fantasy of Lights at Lighthouse Point Park. As a been-there-done-that Dad described it: it's a "Safari of lights" that's well worth going to (thanks, Tad!) . The scoop: no stroller needed, as you see all the lights from the comfort of the family roadster. Cost is $10/car and proceeds go to Easter Seals Goodwill of CT. I think it would be an excellent place to drive a teeny tiny fussy baby after dinner to get him to go to sleep while you and newhavenspouse enjoyed some quiet time out of the house. (:

We hung out downtown for dinner on Thursday night last week (for Pad Thai at Thai Taste--yum!) and were really impressed with how festive the downtown was. There were hundreds of luminaries lighting up the shadowy side of the Green, Santa Claus was on the corner waving to cars, and shops were open and busy. We had a lot of fun, and the Green looked beautiful.


One a day until Christmas

One of my favorite holiday activities when I was little was opening those little cardboard doors on the advent calendar to claim my daily piece of chocolate. I was thrilled to see them at Trader Joe's for 99 cents--so, with great ceremony, I presented newhavenbaby with his very first advent calendar.
Day one was yesterday. In the morning, we opened a little door, shared a delicious little chocolate. In the late morning, newhavenbaby begged to open another little door. At noon, newhavenbaby pleaded. Before nap, he cajoled. After nap, he whined. Before dinner, he asked and asked: "little door, another little door."
Apparently, one door a day is way too much to ask of a 2-year-old. Come to think of it, it's almost too much to ask of a newhavenmama. Chocolate, anyone?